As our membership has grown, so has the interest that lots of industry suppliers have shown in working alongside us and our members to offer a range of member benefits. One of these benefits has come to fruition recently in the first of our regional meetings.

Held in Marlow on 9th November, this gathering was open free of charge to all DSR members (although pre-registration was required) and it brought them together in front of a panel of industry experts including our partners at Jessops. The room was full to bursting with so many members taking time out of their busy schedules to attend.
- Mark Boyt on DSR future plans
- Graham Degg on the status of the DSR OSC
- Drone Safe Register on member benefits and taking DSR onwards and upwards
- Jessops on the services and facilities that they can offer to DSR members
- Coverdrone on their insurance services
- Qlaims on insurance and bringing an outdated industry up to date using drone technology
- Sqn Ldr Sam Hodgkinson on the RAF and sharing the airspace safely
- Questions and answers for the panel
So it was a busy morning but the fun didn’t stop there. There were a series of four afternoon workshops comprising of
- Mark Boyt – Filming Tips and Tricks
- Sachin Kapoor – Health and Safety Risk Assessment
- Malcolm Davidge – Scopito Inspection Platform
- Jessops – Hands On Flying
Outside of this, there was a great deal of valuable time spent on meeting and networking between members. We’ll be taking this show with various industry experts on the road next year to give all of our members the chance to take part in this great benefit.