6 08, 2024

Women in Drones: The Sky Isn’t the Limit

By |August 6th, 2024|Categories: Aerial Photography Aerial Filming |Tags: |Comments Off on Women in Drones: The Sky Isn’t the Limit

The number of women in tech has always been significantly small. With drone capabilities evolving daily, we’re hoping the industry will continue to develop regarding the gender gap.According to 2023 FAA data, women made up 7.9% of all certified remote pilots. But as of the new 2024 data, they make up 8.39%. It is estimated that the percentage of women drone pilots in the UK is just 4%. [...]

5 08, 2024

Everything You Need to Know about UK Drone Rules and Regulations

By |August 5th, 2024|Categories: DJI Aerial Photography Aerial Video and Filming Insurance CAA Drone Safe Store Inspections & Surveys |Tags: |Comments Off on Everything You Need to Know about UK Drone Rules and Regulations

Drones; Where to Begin?A drone can be a great addition to any business, but there are certain things to be aware of before getting into the hobby or profession. Drone rules and regulations continue to change, and it is important to stay educated and up-to-date on the latest changes to avoid getting into any legal trouble, as well as to continue flying safely.Drone Operator ID’sTo fly a drone of 250g and under, you need an Operator ID, which can be purchased through the Drone Safe Store for a small fee. For any drone heavier than 250g, you would need to take a test to obtain yo [...]