Drone Safe New Year Resolutions
As one year rolls into the next, it’s an ideal time to look back on everything that has happened in the last 12 months and and take a beat to think about what’s in store for the year ahead.
So it goes without saying that this year has been incredible for DSR. It’s seen our visit to Dragons’ Den to further our plans to become more than just a national directory of UK approved drone pilots.
We can now offer more than ever to our members in terms of discounts and benefits as well as a brand new website with lots of new features designed to give our members access to information, resources and an invaluable discussion forum.
Of course, all of this goes to support our primary aim of raising awareness of the benefits of using safe and legal drone operators and all of the advantages that drone photography and videography can offer to the UK commercial and domestic markets. From house portraits, to property inspections, from thermal images to jaw-dropping cinematic footage, I believe that the more we can support our members, the more that they can deliver to you.
However, we’re not ones to rest on our laurels here at DSR HQ. We have so many more plans afoot to allow our members to go even further in using drone technology to bring to market all of the benefits that we know that UAVs are capable of.
Our website continues to develop to become a one stop shop for all of your drone needs. From hiring a pilot, to searching for aerial stock footage and photography, even through to buying and selling drone equipment and accessories – DroneSafeRegister.org.uk is all you need.
We are already the first membership to work directly the CAA to secure an Operating Safety Case (OSC) for selected members. This OSC means that drone pilots who are part of the scheme have been especially selected and trained to carry out drone flights with special permissions including reduced distances. This opens up the opportunity to use drones in previously otherwise difficult circumstances and still means that clients can be certain that the pilot is acting safely and legally. In 2019, once our initial trial of 10 pilots spread throughout the UK and Ireland is complete, we hope to receive permission to include more pilots. Our aim is that you will be able to find an OSC qualified DSR pilot in every county.
We’re also very excited to expand our major account initiative. This is designed to make the whole of the DSR network directly available to businesses with nationwide aerial photography, videography and thermography needs. A dedicated DSR account manager provides a single point of contact for administration and billing meaning that the client needs only raise the job request through our uniquely designed portal system and DSR handle the rest. Already in trials with one major business, we are confident that 2019 will see more first leverage the power of our qualified pilot network.
So much to look forward to for DSR in the new year. So I’ll leave you to your celebrations and raise a glass to all of the clients that have used DSR pilots this year and those yet to come. Happy new year! Regards Mark