UK Drone Law Changes 2020 – New Dawn or Disaster?
By DSR Journalist|February 19th, 2020|Categories: CAA |Tags: CAA Confusing drone law EASA enforcement police |Comments Off on UK Drone Law Changes 2020 – New Dawn or Disaster?
2020 Changes in UK Drone Law It all seemed so simple in the ‘good old days’ of drone flying in the UK.We are crowdfunding! You can Check out the pitch hereSpecial offer – A2CofC training for just £129If you wanted to use a drone for business or to make money with it in some way you had to obtain a ‘PfCO’ from the CAA. The rules may have felt restrictive to some, but at least they were simple to understand and actually worked quite well.As July 2020 looms closer, (Now delayed due to Coronavirus) UK drone laws are about to change. At Drone Safe Register™ we recognise that [...]