Benefits of drones in Agriculture
By DSR Journalist|January 28th, 2019|Categories: Articles Agriculture Inspections & Surveys |Tags: agriculture CAA cherry picker commercial do farmers need permission to fly drones drones drones and agriculture dsr freephone number farming flying a drone hands free hectare PfCO photogrammetry precision farming |Comments Off on Benefits of drones in Agriculture
Drones in AgricultureIt’s largely agreed that the UK and Ireland have barely begun to tap into the huge potential that commercial drones have to offer.An industry still in its infancy, the business world is still investigating ways in which drones and unmanned aerial vehicles in general can make operations faster, safer and more cost efficient.One area that has been quicker to the party in leveraging ‘drone power’ is agriculture. In fact 18% of farmers are now thought to be using drones in some form to assist them with their land management. Particularly impressive [...]