UAVs and Search and Rescue
By DSR Journalist|March 9th, 2019|Categories: Articles Featured |Tags: changes to membership fees dji drone study dji drones drone pilot hire drones drones and search and rescue drones saving lives dsr hobby membership dsr member benefits dsr membership cost emergency services support member feedback member update nationwide drone support to the uks emergency services uavs and search and rescue |Comments Off on UAVs and Search and Rescue
Drones for Search and Rescue In September 2018 DJI added a very interesting video to their YouTube channel. It detailed experiments to measure the different in performance between search and rescue teams with and without drones.The results make for interesting viewing in terms of the drone’s potential as a life saving tool as well as a business asset.“The potential for drones to save lives is clear – at least 160 people have been rescued by drones around the world.” Romeo Durscher, DJI Director of Public Safety Integration2018 was also the year when the RNLI trialled dr [...]