- Cover Image from www.rsainsurance.co.uk
RSA Insurance Claims Reviews
Have you had an insurance claim unfairly rejected by the UK insurer RSA? Join the campaign for justice and together we’ll make sure others don’t suffer the financial loss, mental health impact and sleepless nights caused by these corporate cowboys.
RSA don’t pay claims - We’ve learned that the hard way.
Our CEO, star of BBC’s Dragon’s Den, was put through hell after suffering a devastating targeted burglary. Distressing as it was, the expectation was that having done the responsible thing and paid for insurance there would be financial reimbursement at least. Sadly, at the time, he wasn’t aware of RSA’s attitude to customers and their shocking reputation for not paying claims. His experience of being left high and dry by RSA was far from unusual.
Public Protest
We are organising a public protest for the 15th of May 2024 at the insurance industry’s national conference, ‘BIBA’. This conference is the UK insurance world’s flagship event, attended by around 10,000 insurance brokers and professionals. It’s the perfect opportunity for a gathering of RSA’s unhappy customers and our combined voice will not be ignored.
RSA Insurance Reviews
Increasingly insurance companies are rated by their ‘Environmental Social Governance’ (ESG) and brokers have a responsibility to place business with the companies who take this seriously. In other words, insurance companies must act ethically, consider the impact of the way they operate on society and treat customers fairly. RSA are the antithesis of this if you read the testimonials of their customers. For example:
“The single worst experience of my life..”
“ A shameless bunch of crooks”
“The worst of the worse car insurance”
“Do not insure with this company”
“This insurance company is disgusting”

You can read more of these stories and the truth about RSA here - RSA Insurance Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of rsagroup.com (trustpilot.com)
Our action at the conference will be extremely embarrassing for RSA and we want as many customers as possible to join us. We are investing heavily in PR and social media activity to ensure that every voice is heard. The clock is ticking for them, and the truth is due to be exposed not only by their customers, but by their own regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). New regulations coming into force titled ‘Fair Value Measures’ will make it a requirement for insurance companies like RSA to publish and declare their claims acceptance and rejections rates. No longer will they be able to hide behind glossy brands and empty promises. Customers will be able to make decisions about which companies to insure with, and based on what we’ve seen they will be highly unlikely to choose RSA.
Please get in touch and tell us your story. We will share more information about the public protest at the insurance industry conference soon.