The original drone awards!
We are proud to count some of the best safe and legal drone pilots available across the country in our membership. With this in mind, DSR is very excited to announce that we have launched our annual Drone awards 2018 to celebrate all of that member talent and their outstanding contribution to the UK Drone Industry.
There are four categories for entries, each with a £200 cash prize donated by each category sponsor who will also act as the judge for their category.
The Film & Television Aerial Imagery Award
Among our members, we have some very talented cinematographers who are behind much of the footage that you see on both your television and on the big screen. This category, sponsored and judged by Coverdrone, looks to reward the member who’s created the footage featured in TV or film that wowed viewers the most.
The Best Commercial Drone Application Award
The UK Drone Industry is still in its infancy and new applications for UAV technology are being found all the time. Qlaims are sponsoring and judging the category that looks to reward the DSR member for innovation in the fields of UAV mapping, surveying or aerial inspection work.
The Best Drone Photo Award
There’s no doubt that a camera in the sky is capable of capturing some stunning imagery from a brand new perspective. Jessops are proud to be the sponsor and judges for this prestigious category, looking to reward excellence in drone photography.
The Best Showreel Award
Your showreel on your DSR member page is your chance to show the viewing public exactly what you are capable of and we have some stunning work already in place. Who has the finest? That’s what this category sponsored and judged by DSR is looking to celebrate.
How to Enter
It couldn’t be simpler to enter, just send a link to your video or photo to info@dronesaferegister.org.uk with the category that you would like to enter as the subject.
Entries can only be made by DSR Pro Members
All entries must be received by 31st December 2018
Winners will be announced on January 7th.