Welcome to our quick tour of the Drone Safe Register™ Website for our Professional members.
We are always developing and launching new products and this post will be updated from time to time as we add more services and member benefits.
The first thing to do is to log in using this link or top right on our main homepage.
How Drone Safe Register™ “Instant Quote” works.
A visitor to the website selects the type of work they are looking to have undertaken. Enters some basic information including the postcode of the location they're requesting the services are completed and selects which number of quotes they would like to receive between 1 & 5.
Our back-end system then AUTOMATICALLY finds the NEAREST members to the location specified by the client and emails the member the details.
From this point onwards Drone Safe Register is no longer involved in the process.
It’s up to each member who receives the quote to decide whether they want to just submit a quote or contact the client for more information before you do.
There are a lot of options here, but you need to start with “Edit Profile”
Please try to complete every field in the profile set-up, and remember that you must enter your CAA Operator ID (in the format OP-XXXXXXX), and upload a photo for your membership card before a membership pack will be sent out (your membership pack will not be sent until all processes are complete).
The better you make your profile, the more you will stand out, take extra care to use images and clips that demonstrate your unique capture style (ensure the spelling is correct and make sure you have listed all of the services you offer).
Your company logo file can be up to 5MB in size and is presented in a square format so please bear that in mind when uploading to the system.
Now onto the site’s main features, in the order, they are displayed -
Discounts – This is where you will find a list of the current member's discounts and very importantly, a code to use when buying from the Drone Safe Store https://www.dronesafestore.com/
DSR Pro Shop – Is where you can take advantage of the Drone Safe Register™ Operations Manual review service, buy a second map pin and also order replacement membership items.
Access to the forum is included in your membership, but you have to sign up separately and may have to wait a short time for approval – The forum holds our 'Drones for Schools' presentation and also a useful section on keeping your Operations Manual up to date.
Live Location Hazards – Use this tool to generate a quick printable report which you can use for your flight planning.
Simply enter a location into the box, drag the slider across to match the area you want the report to cover and then click “Generate Report”
Every report you create is held in the system and can be accessed later if you want.
Instant Quote Map – A map showing the locations of recent Instant Quotes received into the system. There is no reason to access this other than curiosity, you can’t get any additional information about a quote and I’ll explain the Instant Quote system in more detail later.
Flight Logging – A simple tool to log your flights and export a spreadsheet later if you need to. It’s entirely optional whether you use this or not.
Messages – This is where any messages from potential clients are stored, if a client clicks your pin and then clicks “Enquire” it presents them with a form to complete, which is then messaged to you.
Closed Network Group – This is a link to our Pro Members Facebook Group – If you haven’t joined already then you are missing out – We have an active group of professional pilots, who for the most part are in the group to help each other and often sharing work.
Resources – Go here to obtain DSR Logos for use in your website, having a link to DSR can really help boost your SEO, the link should be to your personal page on DSR.
Check NOTAMS – A link straight to NOTAM Info
Local Weather – A page for your own local weather based on the location of your map PIN.
Member Assistance Tools
Roof Inspection Estimator – Enter a location (let the system help you find the address and then select the link)
Drag the corners of the box out to cover the intended flight area
Select Private or Residential and then you will be presented with an estimate that you can use when quoting for a job.
Kit Hire – Links to members listing of equipment that they are prepared to rent out, showing the price.
OSC Map – This is a map showing any member who holds reduced distance permission from the CAA.
If you have a job that your PfCO doesn’t allow you to do, then consider working with a member who has an OSC.
Request Member Assistance – This takes you to a page where you can set up the equivalent of an Instant Quote to go out to a specified number of pilots.
Additional Services – This allows you to select which of 15 additional photographic / video industry services you offer.
Selecting any of these links will add your pin to the relevant separate map for each service that a visitor to the site can find you against.
Drone Services Offered – Select which drone specific services you offer; these will be used in the future to better tailor the instant quote system.
Membership & Invoices – Is where you can change the “Auto Renew” setting for your account and also view and resend any invoices for payments made to DSR™
Company Reviews – Listing of all the reviews that you have received
Your Quotes – Listing of every Instant Quote that has been sent to your registered email address
Upload Stock Media – Go here to upload Stock video and photography – You have to link to a Stripe account the first time you use the system.
Saved Listings
Purchased Stock – A record of any stock that you may have purchased and a link to download it again.
Marketplace – Add an item to sell to other members, there is no fee to list or sell.
Marketplace Reviews – If you have received a review a copy can be found here.