Tailored Drone Solutions

At Tailored Drone Solutions we are passionate about helping business to realise the incredible potential drones provide in achieving - REDUCED COSTS - STREAMLINED WORKFLOWS - INCREASED EMPLOYEE SAFETY. We can you help to you achieve these results in many varied sectors including:

Roof Inspection and Survey:

Today, in many cases, there is no need to incur the expense of cherry pickers or scaffolding to inspect a commercial or residential roof, whether for a Valley Gutter Inspection, Home Buyers Report or Planned Maintenance. The images are collected without any disruption to you premises/business and as nobody leaves the ground the Health and Safety requirements are minimised.

Aerial Videography and Photography:

Estate Agents: Elevate the properties in your portfolio by using stunning aerial images that will lend a unique and breathtaking perspective, leaving potential buyers eager to view in person. Increase viewings and all at no cost to your Agency.

Weddings: There is no replacement for the 'wedding photographer' but why not add to the 'story' of your special day with some unique images that can only be captured by drone. The classic photo opportunities such as the arrival at the venue to the confetti throwing and the wedding party photo all taken from unique angle and positions will add to you and your guests memories for a lifetime.

Golf Course Flyovers: Times change and traditional land based photography has its limits. Nothing can showcase your course in the same way as an aerial flyover video, they capture the natural beauty of the course and at the same time help to boost revenues with increased memberships and golf society visits.

Separate your Club from the competition and see the benefits a 'Flyover' will bring to your Club.

roof survey/gutter inspection

property marketing photo/video

2D mapping/3D modelling

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