Aerial Hawk

Our team comprises skilled and experienced CAA and EASA Certified drone operators with a passion for aerial photography and inspections. With a combined industry experience of over 10 years, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional services to our clients. During our inspection flights, our pilot's trained eye can detect weak spots and potential areas of concern.

We offer a diverse range of aerial services, including construction site mapping and volume canulation, media capture for estate agents and property listings, roof inspections, as well as photography. Our team uses the latest drone technology and equipment to ensure that we deliver top-notch services to our clients, while being fully licensed and insured.

Our fully trained pilots will work closely with you to maximize your time on location. We are passionate about capturing aerial media and strive to bring your vision to life, believing that the possibilities are endless.

Whether you require breathtaking aerial footage, precise aerial surveys, or professional roof inspections, our team is at your service.

Our team is made up of remote operators located up and down the country and even in Europe.


Stockpile inspections

Thermal survey

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