The UK's Largest Selection of Drone Aerial Stock Footage
Drone Stock video from DSR Stock
View our growing collection HERE
Drone Safe Register is the UK’s No.1 drone hire website. We proudly market the very best film makers and CAA approved drone pilots within the UK.
We have now made their stock footage available for instant download.
UK 4K Aerial Stock Footage By Location Required.
If you are looking to purchase aerial stock footage, DSR have the UK safely covered, we also have the largest selection with me stock being added daily.
All our members have CAA permissions for aerial work unlike ALL other stock footage websites, our stock is 100% legal.
Legal UK stock can be purchased form just £25. DSR
www.dsrstock.co.ukIntroducing Drone Safe Register StockThe new way of locating UK aerial stock instantly. Please share the good news…….www.dsrstock.co.ukPosted by Drone Safe Register on Thursday, 2 November 2017
DSR is run by pilots for pilots. We have been providing safe and legal drone hire since 2015.
DSR stock was launched February 2017. This exciting new addition is full of stunning aerial imagery and all exclusive to DSR Stock.
We pride ourselves with the quality of members and their work.
We are serious about UK aerial stock footage.
To hire a UK CAA approved drone operator, log-on to http://www.dronesaferegister.org.uk