Gold Certified Membership

Gold Certified Membership

Gold Certified Membership

Become a Drone Safe Register Gold Certified Member

Drone Safe Register™ represents the very best, safest and professional drone operators for hire throughout the UK and Ireland.

Joining Drone Safe Register with Gold Certified membership allows you FULL access to all of our additional services, our closed network group and all of our brilliant benefits.

Our Gold Certified Membership option has been specially tailored to be the only drone membership you will ever need.

By using our dynamic platform, you are exposing your drone business to an increased number of job and networking opportunities.

To become a Gold Certified member of Drone Safe Register™ you must hold a valid CAA permission (PfCO (standard permission) or Operational Authorisation as well as Commercial Insurance.

Benefits of a Drone Safe Register Gold Certified Membership:

We're proud to offer over a dozen great benefits for Gold Certified Drone Safe Register Members to help them find more work as a commercial drone operator in their local area.

Build Your Drone Company With Drone Safe Register

We offer our members a range of tools to help them improve their online business exposure and rank higher in local Google Search results.

Build your drone operator for hire business with keywords and services in your local area and take advantage of our super-powerful website to find more drone pilot for hire leads.

Link your own website and social media presence to help you attract more clients for the drone work you want to rank for.

Unlimited Commission Free Job Leads

Receive unlimited access to drone operators for hire job leads in your local area, all with zero commission fees and with no obligations to take the job.

Your company profile can also be discovered on the Drone Operator for Hire Interactive Map and approached directly by customers.

As the UK's approved drone operator for hire network, we are the nations first choice for booking a drone operator for aerial work.

Extensive White Label Job Services

Drone Safe Register offers direct pilot bookings for services such as aerial roof inspections, aerial surveying and aerial photography and videography services.

With your DSR Gold Certified membership, you will be given complete access to these while label job opportunities.

You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with the best drone pilots in the business via our professional closed network group.

Earn Money From Drone Stock Footage

Start monetizing your aerial photography and video with Drone Safe Stock, the UK's only dedicated drone stock footage hub.

Earn up to 80% commission from all sales of your aerial stock footage on our dedicated drone aerial stock footage platform.

Even if your membership expires, you will continue you earn exclusive commission from your aerial stock photography and video.

Executive Dashboard Features

Our Drone Safe Register members dashboard offers a multitude of platform-exclusive features to help you improve and optimise your drone work.

Dashboard features include access to an intuitive Roof Inspection Estimator tool, live weather maps and UAS Airspace Restrictions.

You will also receive access to the Drone Safe Transfer service, allowing you to send and receive large amounts of data instantly.

Exclusive Drone Industry Discounts

With your Gold Certified Membership Plan, you will receive discounts and promotions from leading companies in the drone world.

Receive elusive discounts on DJI drones and accessories with the experts at Drone Safe Store as well as personalised promotions for you.

Lower your insurance costs with our partners at Coverdrone and get discounted drone repair at Drone Doctor's in Brighton.

To become a Gold Certified member of Drone Safe Register™ you must hold a valid CAA permission (PfCO (standard permission) or Operational Authorisation.

Included In The Drone Safe Register Gold Certified Membership

  • Quote For All Drone Job Opportunities With Operational Authorisation
  • Fully Customisable Drone Company Profile
  • SEO Optimised Micro Website For Your Drone Business
  • Unlimited Drone Safe Register Job Quote Requests
  • Invitation To Our Professional Closed Network Group
  • White Label Job Opportunities
  • Opportunities to Collaborate on Drone Jobs With Other Pilots
  • In-Depth Profile Statistics & Lead Opportunities
  • Earn Money From Uploaded Aerial Stock Footage
  • Share Aerial Footage With Drone Safe Transfer
  • Drone Safe Register Exclusive Dashboard Features (Estimation Tools, Live Hazards + More)
  • Drone Safe Register Exclusive Discounts (DJI Drones, Coverdrone + More)
  • Drone Safe Register Branded ID Card (Yearly Plans Only)
  • Drone Safe Register Operator ID Stickers (Yearly Plans Only)

Just £199 + VAT Per Year

Call 01243 859444 to discuss your membership plan with one of our membership advisors.

Alternatively, you can contact the Drone Safe Register Team using our live chat feature.

Or contact the Membership Manager directly:

See What Our Members Say

I am now in to my second year with DSR. As a relative new comer to the industry, knowledge and experience are vital to try and push my business forward. By being part of DSR, I have received help and guidance from some very experienced players in the industry. This networking has led to working with other DSR members either collaboratively or on a "White Label" basis. This can only be good for our industry.

I have also received some very good leads through the "Find an Operator" side of DSR, some of which may have passed me by without the backing of this recognised brand.

It is great to finally be recognised and represented by and industry leading body. Long may it continue.

Martin Freeman

Sea Lane Media Limited

February, 2020

Member Feedback

£30K Contract Secured for DSR Member

In January 2020, we received some great feedback from one of our members via the closed Facebook group. We're proud to say that this member has received over £30k through work generated by DSR.

Member Feedback
Instant Quotes

Receive Instant Quotes by Location

Drone Safe Register are very transparent on instant quotes received through the website, we'll show you full statistics on how many instant quotes are received each day.

If you're the nearest operator to an instant quote, you will receive the quote via email with the qualified lead's full contact information.

Drone Safe Register has had the busiest year so far with instant quotes in 2020

Instant Quotes
Upload Stock

Upload Aerial Stock Footage and Photos

A key benefit of becoming a Drone Safe Register Pro member, is the ability to list all your stock footage and photos.

You will receive a 50% commission on any stock sold and can keep your stock live on the website and receive commissions even after your membership expires.

Upload an unlimited amount of footage.

Upload Stock
Hazard Reports

Download and Print Unlimited Hazard Reports

Make your risk assessment painless, simply enter the location you plan to fly and receive a detailed report showing ground hazards, you can then print the report and add it to your risk assessment files.

Also available, a detailed interactive map that shows you airspace classifications and hazards

Hazard Reports
Company Profile

Customise your Company Profile

Having your company profile listed on the UK's most popular directory is a huge benefit, make sure to fully complete your profile - adding website links, social media, showreels and any reviews you may have.

You will also be visible on the map, for the thousands of potential customers searching for drone operators

Company Profile


How do I access my membership discounts?
Once logged in, just visit your dashboard for discount codes - these are updated regularly.
If I don't have my own OSC, can I access OSC Pilots?
Yes, absolutely. We have a network of trained and certified OSC pilots, not just those who have a DSR OSC. Use the OSC map in the dashboard area to find your nearest OSC pilot.
After joining can I change my location pin on the map?
Yes, you can change your pin location at any time - just edit it in your profile.
What is a Drone Safe Register Instant Quote?
Instant Quote is our website dedicated and intelligent contact form that puts those looking to hire a drone pilot in touch with our members for a given location throughout UK and Ireland. Customers looking for a Drone Pilot to hire use the Instant Quote communication form to provide details about their photography, filming or thermal flight needs, along with the flight location, target flight date and how they want to hear back i.e. email or phone. They also select how many quotes/communications they want to have come back form between 1 to 10. This form is then automatically sent out as an email to the nearest 1-10 operators as selected, to the flight location (post code). As a DSR Professional Member, you receive the Instant Quote via email to follow up. You will also see the Instant Quotes you receive in your Membership Dashboard area, along with a non-accessible summary of ALL the Instant Quotes that the website has received as a rolling Dashboard feed, so you get an idea about activity. Instant Quote is NOT a guarantee of work! It is a method of introduction only. You may not hear back from the customer, of course, so it is important that you sell yourself as much as possible when an Instant Quote comes in to you. In addition to an Instant Quote from those looking to hire a DSR listed pilot, searchers may well just source Members from the Map page by zooming into a location and clicking on a member’s map pin – Take a look Click Here In fact the use of the Map page is by far the most navigated page on our website and is the more likely route for members to be found and approached, they may simply click on your website link and contact you directly. This is why it is always important to ask your prospects how they heard about you.
Do you have a Drone Safe Register™ Facebook page?
We have two in fact. A closed page for our paid Pro Membership and an open page for everyone else. We use the Facebook pages to provide discussion and debate as well as for members to contact each other about, well, anything! You need to be a Pro Member to join our closed Facebook page. The page is always professional and informative and has a vibrant collection of the best Drone Operators in the country. We have members who have been in the industry since it started and are always happy to provide support and advice. We also have our business partners represented, such as Coverdrone, Jessops, Qlaims and even a Squadron Leader responsible for Drone activity for the RAF – to name a few. Our open Facebook group has one of the biggest followings for a Drone Page anywhere in the world, with well over 10k subscribers. Here is the link if you want to follow us on Facebook
What is the Drone Safe Register™ OSC (Operational Safety Case)?
The DSR OSC is an Operating Safety Case written to allow appropriately trained and approved DSR pilots to fly against a specific set of CAA exemptions. The exemptions allow for take off and landing and flights closer to People, Vehicles, Vessels and Structures outside the Remote Pilot’s control than a standard CAA permission. There are minimum qualifications which can be found on the application form and you will have to attend an intensive one day training course culminating in written and flight tests. Depending on the air-frame you are using the DSR OSC allows for take off and landing down to 10m, flight down to 20m, flight down to 75m from crowds >1000 and Extended Visual Line of Sight (EVLOS) flights up to 1000m from the Remote Pilot. We are intending to improve these as much as we can as we renew.
Can I cancel my membership and receive a partial refund?
No, the cost of membership such as production of cards, labels and administration is incurred at the time you take out membership and therefore we can’t issue you a refund or partial refund.

Register for Gold Certified Membership

Start your journey with Drone Safe Register Today.