ALL commercial Drone Pilots have to take online test and register their drones before the end of November 2019. (Correct at time of publication)
By DSR Journalist|September 24th, 2019|Categories: CAA EASA News |Tags: compulsory online registration drone id drone registration PFCO holders |Comments Off on ALL commercial Drone Pilots have to take online test and register their drones before the end of November 2019. (Correct at time of publication)
Commercial Drone Pilots online testReminder. ALL PfCO holders have to take online test and register their drone before November 30, 2019 The compulsory online Drone Registration and test for UAV operators and pilots comes into force on November 30, 2019, with a £1,000 fine if you do not comply.The online test and Register My Drone will be available from October 1, 2019. The regulations apply to UAVs weighing between 250g and 20kg that are used outdoors.Although commercial UAV operators and pilots have spent thousands of pounds on CAA fees, ground schools and flight tests, undertaken [...]