Drone Film Making
If you’re like us, you’ll be wondering what the future holds for drones.
In a recent article we wrote about a few of the benefits of aerial filming, drone usage and we’ve also briefly touched on drone deliveries.
We think is pertinent to discuss aerial filming with regard to its future and what this may look like for drone and drone flight.
Originally, consumer drones were used by a few aerial filming and aerial photography enthusiasts. It all really started with drone hobbyists.
Not overnight, but after a short period of (flight) time, these enthusiasts and drone hobbyist grew into a more respectable size and more and more drone companies and manufacturers began to appear on the market.
After these drone manufacturers created more and more drones, its technology rapidly advanced and began to become more innovative.
This made flying drones for the enthusiasts and hobbyists far more enjoyable than before, and made for a far better experience.
The rising popularity of drones
As the rising popularity of drones increased, rules and regulations came into play and even drone manufacturers started to lay down a set of ground rules.
These rules were ensuring the innovative solutions they wanted to implement and create didn’t hinder the ever-increasing demand for a better experience.
If we take a couple of key features, we can really see how far drone technology has come.
One of the biggest and most innovative improvements to drone technology has been Return to Home.
Drone – Return to Home
The drone return to home feature is a must have! Quite simply, drone return to home is an incredibly useful safety feature helping and ensuring your drone gets back to a safe and accessible landing position.
The feature, in a nutshell, allows the drone to track its position from take-off and should anything go wrong. System failure or a lost signal for example, can enable the drone to return.
Drone – Gimbal
If we think how far drone technology has actually come, the gimbal is far more important than some may let on. The gimbal is responsible for the stability of the camera and when we’re aerial filming, it makes a huge difference.
Gimbal mechanisms have really moved on. The most innovative, you could say, would be the approach to the three gimbal axis allowing seamless stability and compensation to natural vibration from flying.
Making it far easier
As the aerial filming enthusiasts began moving away from just hobbyists. The gimbal and return to home features became ever more important.
Making it far easier to capture footage. Over the next few months, we’re going to start talking a little more about the features of drones and how technology has advanced.
What we think is certain is that drone technology will continue to evolve and there are still exciting ways in which we can all provide better services and have better experiences.
We truly believe that we are still at the very beginning of drones, quite literally, taking off and we will soon see them becoming ‘the norm’.
If you are a qualified drone pilot with permission from the CAA to carry out aerial work, then we encourage you to become a DSR member.
By doing so, you’ll join the ranks of other UAV professionals who are serious about their industry, the work that they carry out and the associated legal responsibilities.
We’re passionate about this fast-growing industry that we’re a part of, and are hugely excited about the amazing potentials it holds.