CAP1361 REMOVED - You Can No Longer Easily Check An Operators Authority!
By DSR Journalist|June 28th, 2021|Categories: CAA Aerial Video and Filming Aerial Filming Aerial Photography A2CofC Drone Training |Tags: approved drone pilots approved drone pilots caa warning caa approved are you a caa pfco pilot CAA caa approved caa dronecode A2 Certificate of Competency A2 CofC Certification A2 CofC drone operator A2 CofC drone jobs Commercial Drone Business and Industry UK Commercial Drone Inspections Commercial Drone Operators |Comments Off on CAP1361 REMOVED - You Can No Longer Easily Check An Operators Authority!
A recent change to the CAA’s information for the public has meant that it is significantly harder to check the validity of unmanned aircraft operators and has made it significantly harder for operators to prove their validity to the general public. [...]