Showing CAA Drone Registration tagged posts

18 12, 2020

The New Drone Rules Explained

By |December 18th, 2020|Categories: News |Tags: |Comments Off on The New Drone Rules Explained

The New Drone Rules ExplainedFrom 31 December 2020, the new rules and regulations surrounding the safe flying of drones will be the same in the UK and all European Union Member States.Looking for work? New A2CofC membership plan link hereThe first and most common misconception is that these new rules will apply to flying indoors and when flying a toy drone. This is not the case, although the drone must have been sold as, and clearly look like, a toy.The rules WILL, however, be relevant to the risk of the flight – where you fly, proximity to other people and the size and weight of y [...]

19 05, 2020

New To Drones? Have You Registered?

By |May 19th, 2020|Categories: News |Tags: |Comments Off on New To Drones? Have You Registered?

New Drone users are unaware of current drone lawThe Coronavirus pandemic has been a challenging time for everyone. As well as the obvious concerns about health and wellbeing the lockdown has caused financial worries and general anxiety about how long the situation will continue and what life might be like in years to come.The vast majority of the UK population have followed government advice by only traveling when necessary and only going out for daily exercise or essential shopping. Unfortunately, there are a minority of people who flout the rules and in extreme cases exploit the si [...]

6 11, 2019

Drone Operator ID Stickers

By |November 6th, 2019|Categories: News |Tags: |Comments Off on Drone Operator ID Stickers

Drone Operator ID Labels, Spec’s and Shop link.From the 1st of November 2019 we are pleased to announce our new Drone Operator ID Sticker service. This service is open to all our DSR Members and sent first class delivery.All Professional and Amateur Flyer membership plans will have 2 x Operator ID Stickers included for free at renewal. These are available for all DSR members to purchase in your members dashboard HEREIf you are not a member, you can select a membership plan HERE which will now include ID labels.Important notes to all Operators, Your operator ID must be:visible witho [...]

27 10, 2019

How to register my drone safely & securely?

By |October 27th, 2019|Categories: News |Tags: |Comments Off on How to register my drone safely & securely?

The UK’s new Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme will go live on 5th November. Anyone responsible for a drone or unmanned aircraft (including model aircraft) weighing between 250g and 20kg will need to register as an operator. The cost for this is now £9 per year. You will also need to take and pass an online education test but don’t worry, this is free and renewable every 3 years and can be done easily on line. Both of these requirements become law on 30 November 2019. Purchase Drone Operator ID Stickers HERE When you register, you’ll get an operator [...]

26 07, 2019

CAA Drone Registration Count Down

By |July 26th, 2019|Categories: EASA |Tags: |Comments Off on CAA Drone Registration Count Down

CAA Drone Registration Count DownIn 2018, the Government decided that there was a need for a drone registration scheme to be put in place.  As companion to this, a competency test pass would also be required in order to legally fly a drone in the UK.Register with us HEREThese requirements apply to all drone users, including leisure flyers and run in addition to the procedure that pilots must follow in order to obtain CAA Permission for Commercial Operation.The CAA launched an initial consultation process to gather ideas and opinions from all interested parties and this week has [...]

4 05, 2019

Drone Registration – 6 Questions for the CAA and Government

By |May 4th, 2019|Categories: CAA Articles Featured |Tags: |Comments Off on Drone Registration – 6 Questions for the CAA and Government

CAA Drone RegistrationDSR asks 6 Questions of the CAA and Government about the incoming drone registration process and feePurchase Drone Operator ID Stickers HERELong before the December 2018 Gatwick drone incident, the Government in compliance with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), agreed to implement the EASA harmonised rules and regulations for safe drone operations. In 2018, the UK Government mandated a drone registration and education scheme in the UK to strengthen, they believe, ‘the accountability of drone users and their awareness of how to fly their drones [...]

25 06, 2021

What Qualifications Do I Need To Become A Commercial Drone Operator?

By |June 25th, 2021|Categories: A2CofC Drone Training CAA Hobbyist Members |Tags: |Comments Off on What Qualifications Do I Need To Become A Commercial Drone Operator?

When becoming a commercial drone operator, there are hundreds of rules and regulations to be aware of before you can start legally earning remuneration for your aerial work. Whilst it can be daunting, Drone Safe Register is here to support you on your journey. Although you don't necessarily need any qualifications to buy or fly a drone, depending on the type and weight, you may be restricted in where you can fly it and which models you can lawfully operate. Over the last few years, the laws around drone ownership have changed dramatically. When it comes to commercial operat [...]

11 02, 2022

The Great Exit: Why Are So Many Operators Leaving the Drone Industry?

By |February 11th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Filming Aerial Photography Aerial Video and Filming CAA Drone Safe Store Newsletter-Articles |Tags: |Comments Off on The Great Exit: Why Are So Many Operators Leaving the Drone Industry?

Why Are So Many Commercial Operators Leaving the Drone Industry?Drone technology has advanced at an incredible pace in recent years. Aircraft functionality, safety features, camera quality and sheer power to capture and process aerial data is mind-blowing. The recently launched Mavic 3 is evidence of this, making pro-quality an affordable option for anyone serious about making money as a drone operator.It’s been a slow start in the UK but industries and the public are recognising the benefits of practical applications of aerial technology. Insurance companies, surveyors, energy com [...]

29 01, 2024

Genuine Commercial Drone Pilots Deserve Better

By |January 29th, 2024|Categories: CAA |Tags: |Comments Off on Genuine Commercial Drone Pilots Deserve Better

Previously, drone operators needed to have permission from the CAA for “commercial operations”. Now, using a drone for commercial purposes does not require any special permission.It's crucial to bring back the days when the CAA knew how many commercial operators the UK had, how many pilots were insured, and how many hours each operator was flying for, including accidents/incidents.Due to the changes in regulations, specifically The Unmanned Aircraft Regulation and changes to the Air Navigation Order, the CAA has massively reduced its control over commercial drone operators.& [...]

5 08, 2024

Everything You Need to Know about UK Drone Rules and Regulations

By |August 5th, 2024|Categories: DJI Aerial Photography Aerial Video and Filming Insurance CAA Drone Safe Store Inspections & Surveys |Tags: |Comments Off on Everything You Need to Know about UK Drone Rules and Regulations

Drones; Where to Begin?A drone can be a great addition to any business, but there are certain things to be aware of before getting into the hobby or profession. Drone rules and regulations continue to change, and it is important to stay educated and up-to-date on the latest changes to avoid getting into any legal trouble, as well as to continue flying safely.Drone Operator ID’sTo fly a drone of 250g and under, you need an Operator ID, which can be purchased through the Drone Safe Store for a small fee. For any drone heavier than 250g, you would need to take a test to obtain yo [...]