Drone Industry opportunities
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Drone Safe Register has started on its first national media campaign to secure more contracts for you, its members, and to promote the whole UAV industry to potential large-scale adopters.
Spearheaded by DSR’s new Major Accounts Manager, Frank George , the campaign intends to raise the profile of UAV operators in their local towns, counties and regions through targeted press releases, business articles, media coverage and photo-opportunities.
“The UK UAV industry is still very much in its infancy and the majority of business sectors have yet to recognise the financial and environmental benefits offered by UAVs. Drone Safe Register, your trade association, has decided to confront this head on,” explained DSR Chief Executive Mark Boyt.
“Frank will produce and circulate news coverage of your business, your contracts, your successes and your services to the business sectors in your town and region. But he needs your help. He needs to know what you have been doing and what you are planning to do, so he can raise your profile and, thereby, secure more business for you.
“I know you are all busy running your businesses but if you can find the time to supply Adrian with the following information, I am sure he will start to generate positive media coverage for you.”
Email him on: frank@dronesaferegister.org.uk
Company name:
Details of any UAV jobs you have been contracted to do over the past three months (client company name, the job such as construction site mapping, agricultural survey, tower inspection, church steeple inspection, flood risk, environmental, wildlife…the more information the better).
Unusual or interesting jobs may generate more coverage, but run-of-the-mill jobs will be suitable for trade magazines.
Any photographs or screen grabs of the job, surveys and inspections, you and the client on the ground, your equipment in action or being prepared on the ground.
Would you be happy to be contacted/interviewed by your local or regional media about UAVs in business?
Are you a member of any local business organisation such as Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Small Business, Business Network International, RICS etc.
What are your local newspapers, radio and TV stations, business, lifestyle or county magazines and any trade magazine you are aware of that cover the sectors your clients operste in?
“Also, let Frank know of any unusual jobs you have lined up, and he will see if he can generate real-time publicity for you, as long as your client is happy of course.”