6 06, 2022

Can you make money with Drones in 2023?

By |June 6th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Filming Aerial Photography General Insurance |Tags: |Comments Off on Can you make money with Drones in 2023?

Turning a hobby or interest into a business is the dream of thousands of people every year. When it comes to drone flying, it really is possible and doesn’t have to just be a dream. As with starting any business, determination, a desire to learn new skills and persistence are required. But thousands of people across the UK are now making money from drones, either as a full-time business or to supplement other income. [...]

30 05, 2022

May Newsletter

By |May 30th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Filming Aerial Photography Newsletter-Articles |Tags: |Comments Off on May Newsletter

It’s been another busy month for the team at Drone Safe. Enquiries are picking up for events and inspections and it’s great to see so much activity in the member networking group. The launch of the DJI Mini 3 Pro went down a storm and we were really pleased to get some out to members - the first in the UK! Early feedback has been fantastic and the Mini 3 really is a game-changer for sub-250g drones. [...]

20 05, 2022

Roof Inspections Using Drones in 2023

By |May 20th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Video and Filming Aerial Photography Aerial Filming |Tags: |Comments Off on Roof Inspections Using Drones in 2023

Why would someone need a roof inspection?There are many reasons why you may need to arrange a roof inspection, and the advent of drone technology has revolutionised the process. Drone inspections are generally cheaper, quicker to arrange and produce more detailed results than traditional methods involving ladders and scaffolding. High-resolution cameras and thermal imaging equipment can provide a wealth of data for analysis.The most common reason for a roof inspection is to check for damage when there are leaks. Missing tiles and damage caused by debris in storms is common in the UK, [...]

13 05, 2022

Make Sure Your Drone Pilot is Insured

By |May 13th, 2022|Categories: Articles Insurance |Tags: |Comments Off on Make Sure Your Drone Pilot is Insured

What is drone insurance?There are different types of drone insurance, some optional and some required by law. For a hobby drone flyer, it makes sense to insure their equipment and this is available at very reasonable prices. Some drone owners assume that their equipment is covered by Home Insurance but this isn’t necessarily the case. As well as the drone and related equipment, specialist drone insurance policies for recreational use usually include cover for damage to third party property - for example, if the drone hits a car. [...]

6 05, 2022

Drone Photography In 2023

By |May 6th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Photography Photography Photographer |Tags: |Comments Off on Drone Photography In 2023

Are you making the most of your aerial photos and footage?If you’re regularly taking photos with your drone, uploading them for sale on sites such as Drone Safe Register Stock, is a quick and easy way to generate some cash. Don’t leave those stunning aerial shots on your hard drive when they could be making you money while you sleep!If you’re not familiar with stock photography, it's a long-established way for magazines, website owners and other businesses to get quality images without the expense of commissioning a photographer. For example, say a magazine wants a photograph o [...]

29 04, 2022

Drone Safe Register April Newsletter

By |April 29th, 2022|Categories: Newsletter-Articles |Tags: |Comments Off on Drone Safe Register April Newsletter

April has historically been a quiet month for drone jobs, but it’s actually been quite a busy one for Drone Safe Register Members. We have soon a lot of Aerial Inspections and event bookings in the month of April.As always, the networking group has been a great source of work for many members and we love seeing the activity and the amount of work being shared. If you are a DSR member and you haven’t joined the networking group yet you’re missing out, so get in touch and join the party. Some of the requests for help have included -A 12-month contract recording a construction pro [...]

22 04, 2022

A Business Built on Safe, Legal Drone Flights

By |April 22nd, 2022|Categories: General CAA Uncategorized Members |Tags: |Comments Off on A Business Built on Safe, Legal Drone Flights

As the name of our organisation suggests, we are all about safe drone flying - safe and legal. When our CEO Mark Boyt created Drone Safe Register it was with a vision to be able to offer the benefits drones can bring to the general public. The technology has advanced at a rapid pace since, and drones are far easier and safer to fly. But in the wrong hands and without the right training and experience a drone can still cause harm.  [...]

8 04, 2022

Using Drones For Events In 2022

By |April 8th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Photography Aerial Filming Aerial Video and Filming |Tags: |Comments Off on Using Drones For Events In 2022

Using Drones For Events In 2022 It seems hard to believe but it's been over two years since Prime Minister Johnson put the country into lockdown as the seriousness of Covid-19 became apparent. March 23rd 2020 was the day the nation tuned in to hear those words, “Now is the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact and travel.” Our world changed in an instant with working from home became the ‘new normal.’ Contact with family and friends was severely restricted and parties and events were strictly off the table. It’s been a very hard couple of years, but with most of t [...]

1 04, 2022

Drone Safe Register March Newsletter

By |April 1st, 2022|Categories: Newsletter-Articles |Tags: |Comments Off on Drone Safe Register March Newsletter

The Weather showed what summer has in store for 2022The unexpected ‘heatwave’ in March gave us a taste of hopefully what’s to come in the Summer. Unfortunately, it was followed only days later by snow across many parts of the country! Those few days of great weather did at least give drone pilots opportunities to get out flying - and a lot of it was paid work and not just fun. We saw a major increase in our private network of people going outside and enjoying their drones and taking stock images and uploading them to drone safe register stock. [...]

25 03, 2022

Boy Or Girl?! Using Drones for Gender Reveal

By |March 25th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Filming Aerial Photography General |Tags: |Comments Off on Boy Or Girl?! Using Drones for Gender Reveal

Boy Or Girl?! Using Drones for Gender RevealGender reveal parties and events are a very new thing, and it may not surprise you to know they started in the USA! A bit like proms, it’s another thing we’ve adopted in the UK and they are becoming part of our culture. Couples and Mums-to-be are finding increasingly creative ways to announce the gender of their coming bundle of joy to friends and family. [...]

21 03, 2022

Edinburgh Drone Company Repair Partnership

By |March 21st, 2022|Categories: General Members Hobbyist |Tags: |Comments Off on Edinburgh Drone Company Repair Partnership

Edinburgh Drone Company Repair PartnershipWho are Edinburgh Drone Company?Edinburgh Drone Company are a new startup drone based company that offers a whole bunch of Drone services. Edinburgh Drone Company was Incorporated in 2018 by Ross Laing, who is a Drone Safe Register member, and he wanted to grow his involvement in the drone industry. [...]

11 02, 2022

The Great Exit: Why Are So Many Operators Leaving the Drone Industry?

By |February 11th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Filming Aerial Photography Aerial Video and Filming CAA Drone Safe Store Newsletter-Articles |Tags: |Comments Off on The Great Exit: Why Are So Many Operators Leaving the Drone Industry?

Why Are So Many Commercial Operators Leaving the Drone Industry?Drone technology has advanced at an incredible pace in recent years. Aircraft functionality, safety features, camera quality and sheer power to capture and process aerial data is mind-blowing. The recently launched Mavic 3 is evidence of this, making pro-quality an affordable option for anyone serious about making money as a drone operator.It’s been a slow start in the UK but industries and the public are recognising the benefits of practical applications of aerial technology. Insurance companies, surveyors, energy com [...]

4 02, 2022

Drones For Aerial Roof Inspection

By |February 4th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Filming Aerial Photography Thermal Imaging Property |Tags: |Comments Off on Drones For Aerial Roof Inspection

Reasons to Use Drones in Surveys and ConstructionThere are many advantages to using a drone for aerial roof inspections. One of the most common reasons for an inspection is when a roof tile falls off of your house after a storm. In this case, a drone can capture detailed images to survey the extent of the damage and assess what work may be required. Hiring a scaffolder for a roof inspection can take weeks and is very expensive compared to the cost to hire a drone pilot.Another common problem for homeowners is a leaking roof. A drone can pinpoint the cause of the problem - for example [...]

26 01, 2022

Drone For Funeral

By |January 26th, 2022|Categories: Articles General |Tags: |Comments Off on Drone For Funeral

Losing a loved one is always a  challenging time for friends, family, and communities. With the changes to how memorial services are coordinated since the impact of the pandemic, organisers have had to adapt. Funeral organisers turned to the many applications of drones to assist in the process of grieving and helping connect families despite restrictions. [...]

18 01, 2022

Instant Drone Service Quote

By |January 18th, 2022|Categories: General Featured Promotions |Tags: |Comments Off on Instant Drone Service Quote

So, you want to hire a drone operator. Congratulations! You’ve found yourself on the UK’s leading platform for hiring a professional, commercial drone operator.Drone Safe Register is the UK’s trusted website for hiring a commercial drone operator because we make finding a reliable drone operator super simple.Discover how to make the most of Drone Safe Register’s innovative instant quote system and how to choose a commercial drone operator. [...]

13 01, 2022

UK Drone Services

By |January 13th, 2022|Categories: Aerial Filming Aerial Video and Filming General Weddings |Tags: |Comments Off on UK Drone Services

Thanks to Drone Safe Register, there are hundreds of commercial drone operators across the country offering a wide range of professional drone services.When you start searching for UK drone services, it can be quite confusing. Did you know that there are dozens of applications for drones that are used by hundreds of different companies?Discover the most popular drone services in the UK and how to hire a professional drone operator to complete the job. [...]

30 12, 2021

DJI Drones Stolen at Drone Safe Store Break-In

By |December 30th, 2021|Categories: Drone Safe Store DJI Dragons Den |Tags: |Comments Off on DJI Drones Stolen at Drone Safe Store Break-In

We sadly have to report that shortly after midnight on Tuesday, December 28th, our offices were broken into by two masked individuals.Within just three minutes, the thieves managed to steal over £100,000 worth of DJI drones, cameras and accessories from the premises.Officers were called to our offices on Terminus Road shortly after midnight to reports of a break-in, but an extensive search of the area did not locate any suspects.That’s why we’re urging all UK drone enthusiasts to be aware of dozens of stolen DJI goods potentially entering the marketplace. [...]

22 12, 2021

Essential DSR SEO Profile Tips

By |December 22nd, 2021|Categories: Featured Members News |Tags: |Comments Off on Essential DSR SEO Profile Tips

Are you ready to take your Drone Safe Register profile to the next level? Join us as we explore what makes a great Drone Safe Register Member profile and the benefits of taking the time to create a Google optimised profile. Are you ready to start getting your profile noticed? Read on now! [...]

14 12, 2021

Drone Gifts For Christmas

By |December 14th, 2021|Categories: Drone Safe Store Featured Hobbyist General |Tags: |Comments Off on Drone Gifts For Christmas

Are you struggling to find the perfect drone gift for your favourite tech friend? Struggle no more!Whether you’re in the market for a cool new drone t-shirt, the latest drone accessories or something more high end, our list has it all!Find the perfect drone gift for Christmas now! [...]