Drone Deliveries – Not Just for Pizzas
By DSR Journalist|January 21st, 2019|Categories: General |Tags: amazon amazon prime automation drone deliveries drones future groundbreaking innovation life saving medical supplies parcel force pizza deliveries pizza delivery |Comments Off on Drone Deliveries – Not Just for Pizzas
Deliveries via DronesIf you tell someone you are a drone pilot, you will often be asked about the potential of UAVs to carry out deliveries (usually pizza, proving that the UK is indeed a nation that loves its food!).Regular headlines appear with multinational companies promising drone deliveries of the goods we order online. Not that these aren’t both laudable goals – we are increasingly time pressed and the idea of fast and responsive deliveries is certainly attractive.However, drones can drop more than your latest Amazon order, and are already carrying out lifesaving wor [...]