Drone Safe Register Comes Face to Face with Dragons!
By DSR Journalist|September 6th, 2018|Categories: News |Tags: bbc dragons den drone safe register dsr investment into drones peter jones peter jones drone hire peter jones drones |Comments Off on Drone Safe Register Comes Face to Face with Dragons!
Dragons' DenFor the majority of 2018 here at DSR headquarters, we are sorry to say that we have been keeping quite a few secrets from everyone. However, the time has come when (nearly) all can be revealed!Early in the year, we quite literally flew into the Dragons’ Den with the hope of procuring both interest and investment from one of their highly experienced Dragons to let us really fulfil the group’s potential.Mark Boyt, the founder of the Drone Safe Register, would certainly count the visit to the Den as one of the more nerve wracking experiences of his life. Firs [...]