What does OSC Mean?
By DSR Journalist|January 14th, 2019|Categories: General |Tags: 10m 20m 30m 50m CAA DSR OSC general nfz no fly zones Operating Safety Case OSC police drones Reduced distances |Comments Off on What does OSC Mean?
OSCIt isn’t a secret that many players in the drone industry love an acronym and, while it might mean something other pilots, we at DSR want to make hiring a drone as easy as possible so we’re always happy to bust an acronym where we can!Today, we’re looking at OSC in business practices.If you’ve been looking at hiring a drone pilot, you’re likely to have come across the term ‘Operating Safety Case‘ or ‘OSC‘. From this title, it’s not exactly clear what the meaning is so here we go with the explanation.In order to be able to operate legally on a commercial b [...]