DSR Launch the Drone Safe Register 2018 Awards!
By DSR Journalist|December 5th, 2018|Categories: News |Tags: 2018 coverdone insurance coverdrone drone awards drone competition dsr general Jessops ks aerial photography News qlaims |Comments Off on DSR Launch the Drone Safe Register 2018 Awards!
The original drone awards!We are proud to count some of the best safe and legal drone pilots available across the country in our membership. With this in mind, DSR is very excited to announce that we have launched our annual Drone awards 2018 to celebrate all of that member talent and their outstanding contribution to the UK Drone Industry.There are four categories for entries, each with a £200 cash prize donated by each category sponsor who will also act as the judge for their category.The Film & Television Aerial Imagery AwardAmong our members, we have some very tal [...]