Would you hire Dan722.com?
Aerial Photography Suffolk
We are all for fair play here at Drone Safe Register but this video posted on-line from a non member was well worth a share. Sadly the gentlemen within the video appears to know very little about the way DSR works or even how much it costs to join.
For information, our blogs are now read by over 10,000 members of the public each month which is around 50% of our monthly website visitors. Drone Hire is relatively new within the UK so many of our members jobs are booked directly from our blogs. You can view our blogs and newsletters HERE
Our CEO did comment on the video but sadly dan722 removed it. Below you can watch Dan722’s incoherent video and the reply from our CEO Mark Boyt which was removed from the video comments on YouTube by the uploader.
Sadly our CEO’s comment was removed.
Dear Dasn722
I have watched your video several times and it will come as no surprise to you that I find it at best, frustrating, if not incoherent and unintelligent.
I accept your right to personal opinion and that of free speech, but as you have never, to my knowledge, been a member and you are new to the drone business (PfCO 8000?), it is odd that you have taken to a You Tube video so fervently to ensure others hear what you have to say.
Firstly, you have decided that the price for joining is £250 when the price is clearly stated as £195 plus vat (you have a calculator right?) and you continuously state the incorrect fee throughout your video and in your title by way of trying to make it stick I guess in the minds of the viewer? That suggests that your review isn’t intended to be accurate but more about a personal rant?
I have to assume that you are not the idiot in real ‘business marketing life’ that you come across in your video and therefore have to assume it is intended to be antagonistic? I am very used to DSR being criticized on social media so am not worried about that aspect, but in the fairness of ‘right of reply’ I would ask you to correct the pricing.
As for benefits verses cost, 100s of professional pilots throughout the UK would argue differently, otherwise they would not have joined making their own minds up and renewed each year. If you were a member, you would see the level of personal and professional discourse that take place there. DSR never guarantees that it will find you work, how could that possibly be? Yet you state this several times, again, please correct that which is factually incorrect.
You refer to each element of the benefits page and state “is that worth £250 quid?” when you know it should be considered as a whole and for £195 + vat. Do you guarantee to put your clients on the first page of google I wonder? There is much that I could come back to you on cross examination, but do not seek to end up in just argument.
I would highly recommend anyone who has questions about DSR to email me directly at [email protected] or phone me via the number on the website www.dronesaferegister.org.uk and I will be more than happy to answer directly and without the usual detractor miss-information and rhetoric.
I wish you well with your marketing business and finding drone jobs.
Kind regards
Mark Boyt
Founder of Drone Safe Register
Would you hire Dan722? Do check them out and the aerial work they provide. For comparisons you can find professional and skilled drone operators online HERE
Drone Safe Register is the UK’s leading drone hire network as seen on BBC’s Dragon’s Den. You will not find members matching Dan77’s mentality within our network.