Drones Help With Boundary Disputes
It isn’t just owners of estates and property dealers who can end up in boundary disputes.
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The legal definition for a property boundary is: ‘The invisible line dividing one person’s land from another’s. It does not have thickness or width and usually, but not always, falls somewhere in or along a physical boundary feature such as a wall, fence or hedge.’
Buying an older property doesn’t mean you can avoid boundary disputes. Boundary divisions can drift over time.
Lines marked on Land Registry Title plans are often on scales of 1:1,250 making it very hard to assess property ownership in detail.tes
Drone images for boundary dispute resolution is now an option.
Using a combination of drones for boundary disputes along with Land Registry boundary data can speed the process along and make it easier to resolve.
Ownership of land and property is a very emotive issue, so disputes can escalate quickly and become very divisive.
Before going down the route of expensive legal action it’s worth considering mediation and working with the other party involved to agree a resolution. Aerial drone images of property boundaries can help at this stage.
Drones are now being used by developers and construction industry. This can help avoid disputes over land ownership from the outset.
Aerial images can be used to plot and divide land to an incredible level of accuracy.
Drone mapping is often quicker and cheaper than traditional surveying methods, and it’s far easier in challenging terrain.
To find a local operator offering drone boundary mapping services visit the Drone Safe Register database HERE