This week Drone Safe Register™ (DSR) updates on the following news…
Message from DSR founder Mark Boyt
DSR hires new director of safety
DSR’s new website launching soon
Changes to membership fees
DSR’s ‘Keep it legal in 2018’ videos launched
DSR’s Insurance partnership
DSR’s Training partnership
DSR’s Pro Membership benefits listed
New DSR member resources released
Message from Mark
It’s been a very busy two years for Drone Safe Register™ (DSR). In that time, we have grown to be the UK’s largest, professional network of CAA approved commercial drone operators.
The commercial drone industry is still in its infancy but as more and more businesses realise the cost savings and safety improvements of drones, its clear, our industry is set to take hold and exponentially grow.
Having at your fingertips, the largest network of nationwide approved drone operators, is a fantastic resource for any business looking to hire a drone pilot.
DSR markets some of the very best and specialist commercial drone ops within the UK. I am immensely proud of our members contribution to advancing the UK’s drone industry.
In January we welcomed another 131,693 people to our brand. This brings our grand total reach to 2 million people since we founded our register for approved pilots. It’s fair to say DSR is hitting its marketing goals.
We are achieving our goals with the kind and loyal support of our growing community of our pro members. All of our efforts and initiatives would not be be possible without our members’ loyal support. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members personally.
DSR Pro Membership is steadily growing and members are renewing. I genuinely want to see ALL members benefit from being part of DSR. Whether it be from job enquiries, quotes, aerial stock sales, DJI kit or insurance discount. There are many reasons to join DSR.
With perhaps more illegal drone pilots taking business from legal operators, never more has the UK needed a dedicated safe platform such as DSR to easily find and hire CAA approved operators.
Hiring a DSR pilot helps reward LEGAL drone operators that are trained, qualified and approved for commercial operation.
We have lots of very exciting news to share from DSR HQ. Here is this weeks update….
Mark Boyt, DSR Founder
New DSR website launching soon
DSR is now days away from launching a brand new bespoke website for its members. Over the past months a dedicated team of web developers have been designing and creating a new DSR website. This involved taking all the best bits from the current site and creating lots of new improvements for the new site. The current DSR website has served us well but with the plans we have for 2018, it must be replaced.
This exciting new website will give our members better control with many more additions added.
From a member perspective there is nothing to do from your end. We will provide more details to all members shortly. As soon as the new website goes live we shall make an announcement.
Changes to membership fees
Last year we listened to our members and launched a reduced renewal plan. So to reward our loyal existing members we reduced our renewal rate. So now existing members pay £150 instead of £180 for a years Pro membership or £80 instead of £100 for six months membership.
To balance our books we have decided to increase the first years membership when we reach 500 pro members.
We have just over 100 membership spaces left at the current Pro Members rate. If you have CAA approval for commercial drone operation then please consider joining DSR before the first year membership rate increases.
DSR’s benefits to approved commercial operators listed
Drone Safe Register is a heavily marketed premier drone hire & Stock Footage directory for professional UAV pilots.
DSR is committed to providing excellent value for all members which is why we include the following services within all Pro membership plans.
All DSR Pro members feature on the DSR homepage and are eligible to receive ‘instant quote requests’ via the DSR Instant Quote form
All DSR Pro members get access to DSR Stock. See your aerial imagery for FREE.
DSR Pro membership commercial drone insurance discount with our partners, Coverdrone.
DSR Pro member discount on all DJI products.
All members receive a DSR photo ID card and lanyard.
Keep 100% of all Hire & Stock sales – DSR takes zero commissions from members
DSR welcome all IAA / CAA approved pilots who hold commercial insurance.
Access to our DSR Pro members Facebook networking group (Closed to non DSR Pro members). Here members can network with fellow members. Members share knowledge, jobs and often white label jobs. Members can also buy / sell kit here.
Beware of drone directories that don’t do their paperwork checks
DSR is the safest place to hire a legal drone operator.
DSR is well aware of other drone directories popping up as our industry grows. We have also learnt that some welcome anyone even without a PFCO or insurance check. These types of directories do nothing for our growing industry and could well add to the issues the UK currently regarding illegal drone operators.
DSR has received a number of reports of a drone hire directory that also offers dog walking franchises and franchises to become a private investigator for £4900. The same company is also offering drone franchises for £4900. Say no more!
DSR is run by pilots for pilots.
DSR believes we still offer the best service and value for money for all PFCO holders and members. As the old saying goes, you pay for what you get.
DSR launch ‘Keep it legal in 2018’ short videos
DSR is recently launched a number of short marketing videos that highlight the importance of keeping it legal when hiring a drone operator…
Here is the video….please share!
Here is the Facebook Link.
UK Drone Hire Website Keep it legal in 2018. We have CAA approved drone operators near you now.Posted by Drone Safe Register on Thursday, 11 January 2018
DSR continues its Coverdrone partnership in 2018
DSR continues its partnership with Coverdrone in 2018 who have recently announced some exciting news. Coverdrone has launched a ‘pay per job’ policy
A 12-month drone insurance policy doesn’t suit every drone operator. That’s why Coverdrone has introduced a flexible “per-day” option that enables less frequent flyers to purchase cover for between one and seven days.
To use this new feature, users will be asked to register when they access the Coverdrone system for the first time. This will allow them to log on at any time in the future to enjoy the benefits that the UK’s largest insurer of drones can offer.
The new per-day features are perfect for occasional operators. Covering a minimum 24-hour period, users can start the cover when a client job begins, giving flexibility to complete aerial work across the whole working day. Where necessary, the cover can be extended if a project overruns.
For small UAV businesses that like to plan ahead, Coverdrone’s per-day policy can be ordered and confirmed 30 days before they are needed. That way, everything from training, planning, permissions to fly and the vital insurance can be organised before filming starts. No panic on the day!
Become a commercial drone pilot with DSR’s training partners in 2018
DSR continues in 2018, our training partnership with Cambridge UAV Academy (CUAVA). CUAVA are a leading UK CAA fully approved NQE that specialises in training drone pilots that want to fly commercially.
DSR have chosen to partner with CUAVA because we believe they offer the nation the best service and value for money for your professional UAV training needs. CUAVA will equip you with the knowledge and certification required to enable you to legally operate a drone on a commercial basis.
CUAVA, based in Cambridgeshire, run courses across the UK.
To get qualified with the commercial UAV experts DSR recommends booking a place on one of the CUAVA courses.
To find out more about CUAVA, log onto: www.cuava.co.uk
Courses detailed here: http://cuava.co.uk/courses/
Or call CUAVA’s Chief Instructor & Assessor, Alan Perrin, direct on 07841 640976. Mention DSR!
New DSR member resources
Pro members are welcome to use the newly released below materials on their website, quotes, letterhead, vehicle livery etc. Additional member resources are stored in member resources. Please log in to view. https://dronesaferegister.org.uk/memberships.php