We are delighted to report that today, the UK Civil Aviation Authority and NATS have launched a new website to help promote drone safety called Drone Safe.

The new Drone Safe ‘Dronecode’ website has advice for users on how to operate UAV’s safely and has been set up following a spate of near-misses with planes which we keep seeing within the UK news headlines.
These included an incident in July,when an Airbus A320 had a “very near-miss” with a drone near the Shard in central London. One reported stated that, The pilot, who was approaching Heathrow with 165 passengers on board, estimated that the remotely-operated aircraft flew within 20m at an altitude of 4,900ft.
Now, the CAA is hoping to cut down on such incidents and has revised its code of conduct to make it easier for users to understand.
CAA policy director Tim Johnson said: “Drones have significant potential and the new Dronecode, which forms the basis of establishing a responsible attitude toward drone flight amongst consumers, will help to protect the safety of the wider aviation industry.
We are delighted that Nats & the UK CAA have released this new drone code and ‘Drone Safe’ Website.