Torr Head-Ballycastle-Northern Ireland-2

Torr Head-Ballycastle-Northern Ireland-2

Causeway Coast and Glens

Rugged coast, spectacular views over the Mull of Kintyre, crashing waves and historical intrigue are reasons why you should make this detour, on the Causeway Coastal Route. This headland was important in the 1800s for recording the passage of transatlantic ships, relaying the information back to Lloyds of London. It was often the last hope for Scottish clans beckoning aid from allies in Argyllshire. The walls and ruins of Altagore Cashel date back to the sixth century. Long before the early Christian church and Irish clans came here, the headland was already remarkable. Torr Head is also an excellent example of metamorphosed limestone and indicative of volcanic rock sequences in Ireland and Scotland.


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